Thursday, October 13, 2011

" Tragedy Khadafi Speaks "

Tragedy Khadafi sat down with the "Rap Up" squad for a in-depth interview recently....He discusses his upbringing in Q.B., Big Pun, Thug Matrix 3, etc......

"TRU: You’ve been in the game longer than almost anybody else, what were your most memorable recording experiences?

The most memorable? I’d have to say; Chuck D, Nas and Big Pun. Those are like the three most memorable to me. The reason why Nas was one of the most memorable was the time we did this song together called ‘Calm Down.’ Everybody gave their energy and came a certain way on the song and killed it, I killed it, Nore killed it, but when Nas came he did a short story that was so graphic… He did a story in 16 bars. Most people would’ve taken a whole song to do a story. But he did the story like he wrote an essay, he wrote and spat a lyrical essay in 16 bars. An essay has an introduction, a subject matter and a conclusion. He gave you the story, he gave you the intro, the subject matter and he closed it. That was crazy how he did that. He killed that shit. That was one of the phenomenal joints to me".


1 comment:

Donaleski said...

4eva Trag, 4 eva shine in ma mind… ma favorite MC ov alla dem… no equivalent