Thursday, October 7, 2010

" Zeitgeist, Part 3 "

I personally do not believe in conspiracy theories.....If someone comes up with the proof to document secret warfare, the illuminati, or systematic genocide, it is no longer theory it is actual fact we are dealing with....

The problem is that many people are programmed to denounce anything that challenges the status quo.....Instead of turning off the boob tube and and finding out the truth for themselves, they would rather criticize concrete evidence without putting in some serious study time...

While some folks are obsessed with exposing Jay Z as some type of secret society puppet (Which he probably is at this point)- there are bigger targets out there that have caused more damage on a broader scale than Jay Z could ever dream about.....

Zeitgeist 3 trailer below...Peace to Kool Skool... - Zeitgeist III Moving Forward Full Version Trailer Video

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