Wednesday, January 19, 2011

" Marq Spekt Spazzes Out "

I can remember a time when the majority of Hip Hop dudes subscribed to the "honesty is the best policy" rule.......If your shit was wack they would tell you to your face you were wack, matter of fact they would even attempt to battle you to show and prove why you were wack....

Nowadays everything is so P.C. and everyone is trying to be chummy without hurting peoples feelings......SAD......We need to speak the truth in order for people to push the envelope and stay sharp with this Hip Hop shit......

Back in the day if you danced around in a KFC commercial, we labeled you a sell-out and you were banished........If you were yelling all that hardcore shit and next thing you know you are singing love songs with a silk shirt on, we turned our back on you......Now if you try to critique somebody, dudes are quick to pull the "Don't knock the hustle" card.......

Fuck your hustle, bring your skills to the table......

On this 12 minute rant, Marq Spekt yells all the things most dudes are scared to death to say in public.......I agree with 90 % of what he is saying....Marq if you are reading this- I highly suggest you do one of these every week...

Take a listen....

1 comment:

Toast said...

Ugh. I got about 90 seconds into this. I usually try to be open-minded about the stuff you post, but this guy put me to sleep. "Don't call me a rapper, don't call me a bloggerzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" and I woke up like 10 minutes later...