Tuesday, March 17, 2009

" Don't Believe The Hype 2009 "

Where is the next " Public Enemy " ?.....I would imagine that by now you are tired of all these tight jean wearing cry babies...With all this crazy shit going on in the world ( Institutional racism, homelessness, expanding prison populations, corporate scandals, etc, ) you would figure more artist would take the time to address certain politics....

I think the current Hip Hop nation bought into the so - called American dream...It used to be a cardinal sin to sell out your art and integrity for commerce...What the fuck happened ? No one want's to rock the boat because cats are scared about their money getting funny.....

Well I have some information for you JACK, this is the real world and the majority of people scramble for any crumb they can get, while a small minority ( bankers, politicians, etc ) horde the wealth like greedy, selfish piglets....You are not a gangster, and only a small amount of you are seeing large money like that....The real gangsters and money holders are political scumbags that could give a fuck less about you or your family....

Just because Obama is in office, don't think for a second that all is well...So many people are caught up in the racial significance of having a black president, that they forgot about the foul legacy of Amerikkka....This country isn't run by one person, it is controlled by many different groups, organizations, and fraternities ( each having their own agenda )...

Hip Hop taught me to question everything.....Sure I am happy to see a brother in office, but I have to question him just like I question all politicians, until I see some real changes.....And on that note, please check out this documentary about Obama, politricks and government corruption...( featuring cameos by KRS and Professor Griff ).....Respect goes out to my dude " REFA 1 " for lacing me up.....100

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