Thursday, June 28, 2012

" Golden State Warriors, Part 5 "


My blog has been hacked recently and I think I have pinpointed who is behind this new age weirdo shit (I SEE YOU)...

If you searched for my blog and a page pops up that says "HIP HOP BATTLEFIELD has been removed", don't trip.....I'm not going anywhere, just remain patient until all this fuckery gets sorted out...

Now that I got that out of the way, I gotta give big props to Kevin Beacham (5th Element) for this interview with Devastating from the FUNKYTOWN PROS.....

Quit stalling and check in..


1 comment:

Fosterakahunter said...

I just ran across your blog. Props for shouting my man Kev out. I used to do a little local Chicago radio show with him back years ago.