Monday, June 18, 2012

" Salute "

For some strange reason I turned on the news when I first woke up yesterday morning (ironically it was the second time I celebrated Fathers Day with a son of my own) to find out that Rodney King supposedly drowned in his own swimming pool...


His uncivilized / barbaric beating at the hands of the LAPD, will go down as one of those moments in America that truly unveiled how racism still exist among us..

Some might try to crack cornball jokes and all that, but you gotta give "RK" a salute for trying to carry on with his life despite the cruelty that was dished out to him (Willie Dee even had a song called "Fuck Rodney King" which included fake beatdowns, death threats, and all types of fuckery)...

Shit is far from a joke..

Unarmed brothers are getting smoked all across the country....It's becoming so commonplace that some have become desensitized and actually accept this type of shit..

I'm not trying to get on my SOAPBOX or anything, I just can't believe things haven't really changed for the better after such a horrible incident....

We will all never get along, but we need to at least respect one another...


1 comment:

  1. Indeed Dras, wasn't expecting this one. Another page of history turned, hopefully not lost.

    Peace… Rodney

