Sunday, September 25, 2011

" Slang Anarchy "

When it comes to that official wordplay, my crew has the crown for supplying countless motherfuckers with bars...


Instead of rocking tired cliches and boring adjectives - we are constantly updating our slang to help keep our Hip Hop morale up...Sure you have heard these words before, but the way we flip it gives them a whole new context with multiple meanings....

I'm not talking about corny comparisons like calling weed "broccoli", or reciting wack phrases like, "Ya Smell Me".....

Nah, were on a whole different level with our 2011 B-Boy, slanguage jack !!!!!!



We used to say dizzy so much that motherfuckers thought we were crazy.....At one point everything we said had dizzy in front of it, "Dizzy DJ's", "Dizzy-Homo", "Dizzy brothers", "Dizzy chickens", or just plain "DIZZY" by itself.....

* Proper Usage

" Yo man, I can't believe you are playing some Odd Future in your car, you must be one of those DIZZY motherfuckers "......


HAHAHA......Naked meaning no flavor, no soul power, no pizzazz.......Or lack of money, etc

*Proper Usage.

" I'm NAKED out here on these streets, and my bitch ass landlord just gave me an eviction notice "...


Before JS-1 came out with his album with the same name, we turned the phrase, "No One Cares" into a monster......For some reason most cats didn't like hearing this one....

*Proper Usage.

" I thought you were going to pick me up before you went to the disco, NO ONE CARES "...Or, " Your always yelling about how wack Hip Hop is now, but do you support the legends when they perform in your city, NO ONE CARES "....

4..AP, BP, MP, WP....

We don't say white dude, or asian man, or mexican cats........We just say AP, WP, or BP's.....What the fuck does that mean ?

Black powers, Mexican powers, Asian powers, etc........It's not used in a derogatory way, it's used to identify when someone is giving someone from the same race better treatment......HAHA......Or it could get flipped many ways depending on the circumstance...

*Proper Usage.

" I noticed that you got some extra hot sauce packets for your meal, it must have been the BP's ".........."Unfortunately I didn't get the job honey, they saw that I was BP and they threw my resume in the trash can ".....


Not surfer dude radical, this form of radical is just another way of saying extreme, ultimate disrespect, wild, crazy, or completely not giving a fuck.....

*Proper Usage.

" That girl had a RADICAL booty "............." Your a soft ass punk, don't try to get RADICAL with me you god damn herb "..... " Damn, that smoke smells RADICAL "........HAHAHA...

Were the slang dons and don't let anyone try to tell you different.....I could go on for days, but this seems like a good time to end this shit....

Thanks for checking into the battlefield- it's going to be a crazy week so stay tuned..........


  1. i feel the radical a dude can be a radical the term was before the surfs up cowabunga dude radical like militant extremist commuity leader i here that but naked ahhhhhhhh man you gut a point but my mc name is da naked baboon lol my nakedness has a lil flava lol i reefered a mc to you d called the ill zooologyst he is a cancer like me and you and hes moving to nothern cali he needs beats he has concepts and material so maybe you can help or hip him to the cali scene a lil respect alter ha---

  2. heres his email ill try to get more contact info alter ha---

  3. HAHAHAHA!!! You had me laughin out loud when I read the "hot sauce packets/bp" reference!!! Damn!!! I gotta give it up cause this post (along with all others) is no jive. When I was out there with Mons, you and MadP were schoolin me with the slang.
    Big ups! Oh and I think I'm gonna use some of these at my new job.
