Monday, December 6, 2010

" Beat Tape Shit "

You wouldn't believe how many beat tapes I had to go through before I found one that was worthy of HIP HOP BATTLEFIELD status.....Some of these so-called beat tapes are just good sleep aids.....

For real, I caught myself snoring while attempting to decipher why and the fuck someone would put out such lackluster, boring production ?....I don't ask for much: Decent drums, a sense of composition, and a couple fresh samples...It's not rocket science, I will even settle for an explosive two-bar loop.....

This beat tape by Jaekim (Green Grits) rocks all Al Green chops.....Not a new concept since A.Z. came out with a remix album heavy on the Al Green samples a couple years back, (Memphis Tapes)....

Anyway, Jaekim definitely does his thing on this......Everyone needs more Reverend Al Green in their life, don't you agree ?

DO NOT SLEEP........


* The above pic is hilarious...HAHAHAHA.

1 comment:

  1. Looks good fam I will check this and you should check this instrumental dopeness if you haven't already D.
