Friday, June 26, 2009

" Damn Shame "

This was my birthday week so a brother has been out of the office for a couple days, but I'm back and I will hit you guys off with a crazy amount of shit for the remainder of the week...

First things first...Rest In Peace to Michael Jackson for real....I know this is a hardcore Hip Hop blog and all that, but I was very saddened to hear the news of his untimely passing...What's even sadder than that, is the mainstream media's coverage of the man many call the " King Of Pop "...

Your talking about a cat that devoted everything to his craft...All I hear is real greasy talk about him by people that haven't really accomplished shit in their own life...Even though he was found innocent in court, America turned their back on Michael and came up with dumbell titles like " Wacko- Jacko " and all that bullshit...Crazy.....Remember when Kat Williams and Eddie Griffith used to go on long tirades about Michael and try to clown ?......Well I was one of the cats that never laughed at that type of shit....

What's so fuckin funny about clowning on another brother that helped raise your stupid asses...If I hear another cornball joke, I'm going to straight up look that bozo in the eye, and diss the fuck out of them....

Whatever happened to respect ?...Who has done more for race relations internationally than Michael ?...I remember when MTV wouldn't barely show a black face on their network, until Michael's record company hemmed them the fuck up....Michael practically built MTV......

It really comes down to motherfuckers not respecting a black man's music...You can't even believe the level of ignorance that I have been subjected to since he passed.....It's a damn shame that this brother couldn't have peace while he lived, but what's even worse, that even in death, he is still under heavy attack....

I could go on forever but I won't.....

Isaac Hayes, James Brown, and now Michael Jackson.....Things will never be the same....NEVER...It's going to take years for people to grasp the magnitude of losing someone like Michael....

So before you pop off with some lame jokes, think about what you are saying....Think about what YOUR contribution is to humanity....Think before you judge someone that you don't even know on a personal basis....Think about how Michael changed up this whole shit and rearranged what it means to be a artist....

Think about how America eats it's young, and how they discard what's left of you after they have milked everything that they can...Think about his family. who are probably in a state of shock like everyone else...

Think about his monumental musical contribution to the world....THINK......