Tuesday, May 12, 2009

" Three Sinister Syllables Mix "

Jay Glaze dropped this incredible mix back in 2004..When it comes to originality this one runs the gamut..You can't really compare this to other break mixes out there..Matter of fact I don't even know if I would classify this as a breaks mix, it's more like a soundtrack to a extremely bizarre acid trip..

Check for the " M.F. Doom " tribute section..A musical collage rocking original samples from some of the metal faced villains choicest cuts..Here is what " Egon " ( Stones Throw ) had to say regarding this project, " It's the bomb..M.F. wouldn't even give me my copy back ", while Bobbito Garcia added " The pace of this mix is unlike anything I have ever heard ".. D.J. Yoda and Dan Greenpeace labeled the project " absolute genius "...

So quit stalling, swoop up this joint PRONTO....You just might be suprised..


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